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OH ..hello.

November 1, 2011

Well hello neglected blog. I’m surprised to see that you’re still hanging around. If I had been ditched for FIVE FRIGGIN MONTHS, I would’ve packed up and left. But you’re clearly more devoted than that, and the least I can do is return the favour. Hopefully you’ll see me around more often… 😉

je t’adore ♥

May 27, 2011

Condo musings

May 23, 2011

* Knowing somebody who is handy is really darn..handy. My dad was able to diagnose my dryer problem, which saved me from both a service consultation and a new dryer (although I am a bit disappointed that I won’t be getting a new one)
* Small changes = big difference. We used to have a gate in the condo to restrict Emu’s space for when we weren’t home (this is necessary when introducing a dog to a new home). We removed it today and I’m shocked how much of a difference it makes. It’s as if we gained a few sq ft, even though the gate only took up vertical space.
* Resale properties can have a few surprises. Today, I earned $1 and a bunch of useful 3M cord clips (4 brand new packages) from the previous owner because they had fallen behind the dryer, which no sane person should move around on a regular basis. Nice little surprise. I also ‘received’ an Ikea clock (broken, sadly) and some colourful Hallmark gift wrap (but not behind the dryer).
* Living in 650 sq ft makes you use your space way more efficiently. I’ve learned and gained so much experience on maximizing storage space. It’s actually fun because it forces me to find creative solutions (and probably more fun because I was a Tetris-raised child). I’m even beginning to par down on wardrobe (gasp!) to  items that I deem essential. Hurrah!

Happy 21st!

May 18, 2011

Happy birthday Emu! Mommy & daddy ♥♥♥ you.

3 more days!!

April 21, 2011

Three more days until cruising time! Here are a few of my goals:
* Get away from Toronto’s really odd weather
* Drink at least 1 alcoholic beverage a day. Hey what can I say, it relaxes me 😛
* READ! I have a few books I want to read.
* Explore the islands and go on the excursions we have booked. They’re all really fun.
* Snorkel! I’m most excited for 4 days of snorkeling. I ended up getting my own gear and can’t wait to try it out in the Caribbean seas 😀
* Eat food. I usually don’t get excited about food but I am for this cruise.
* Hang out with family + friends: This will be my first time traveling with both family and friends. I don’t expect it to be strange at all because the 3 I’m going with are basically family ♥
* Disconnect from the internet: As much as I love the internet, it is terribly addicting and I spend too much time online, for both school and leisure. It’ll be nice to get away.

These are really general ‘goals’ that are all easy to accomplish, purposely 😉

Successful parenting…

March 26, 2011 convincing your children that what THEY want is what YOU want. And when the children are oblivious to this, you are even more successful!
Congrats Mom..

Note to self

March 24, 2011

Dear Linda @ age 27-28,
As “tempting” as it may be, please do not apply for tenure-track professor jobs when you graduate. Despite the fact that most of your credentials and experience put you on the track to becoming a university professor, you DO NOT WANT TO BE ONE. Remember how your supervisor was sending you emails at 12 am mere weeks after giving birth to her baby? Remember how she constantly had to write grant after grant in order to receive more funding to minimize the absurd amount of staff turnover in the lab? Keep in mind the countless emails you sent to her over the years, loaded with a bazillion questions each. Remember how thoroughly she replied to each one; would you be able to do that for all your grad students? Don’t forget that professors are multi-tasking phenomenons with more roles than you can handle: they are mentors to their grad students, professors of undergraduate courses, researchers, administrators. IT IS JUST TOO MUCH AND YOUR HEAD WILL EXPLODE. The appeal of attaining tenure status (i.e., you can never get fired) is just not worth it. You’ve already put yourself through 10 years of university-level education. Don’t you think you’ve devoted enough of your life to university? Why, WHY, would you want to spend the rest of your LIFE there?!?! Ya, you know I’m right. Now be a good girl and secure your dream job at Google or the Ministry of Health (and I wish you luck that there are such positions awaiting your PhD’ed application).
Linda @ age 24, who still currently has a sane brain.

P.S.- If you must, and only if you must, you are allowed to take on some additional instructor positions for university-level courses, in order to satisfy your love of teaching and of course, for the extra $$$. But that is all!!

March 20, 2011

It must be the weather. It must be all the announcements. It must be all the excitement in the air but….

I want to get married NOW.

It’s so strange. I never had a strong urge to be married because, let’s face it, life wouldn’t be too different for Mike and I right now if we were married. We’re already living together and have a dog together. That is completely satisfactory. But lately, I just want to be engaged! I guess I’m at the age where everyone left right and centre is getting engaged and planning weddings. It’d be nice to be part of that group as well. Not only that, but it is clearly the next step for Mike and I and it just feels like it’s been the next step for way too long. I am also tired of answering the “when are you getting  married” question because I really don’t know. I can’t figure out an appropriate time to get married. Sigh. What to do with these urges?!

Edit-Shit, I just chose a venue. LOL

More random thoughts…

March 9, 2011
  • I hope it’s decently cold this weekend, just enough for my skating date with Mike ♥
  • I also can’t wait until spring/summer comes, so that I can start building my own furniture
  • I need to purge my closet. I clear out items fairly frequently but I am also victim to “but I may need this in the future..”. In that case, I shall move items back to my house instead 😉
  • Mike needs more closet space. Okay, he actually doesn’t, but I feel guilty that he has about 3 hangers in the closet….
  • My back gum is swollen from accidentally cutting myself yesterday with floss. It feels so weird!
  • I think a wisdom tooth is trying to grow out where there is no space (but I don’t feel pain). I should really really get it taken out =|
  • I’m super duper super DUPER excited for the cruise at the end of April. I’m going with family + extended family (Mike, Jon, Ryan, Virginia). YAY!!
  • I love talking about my dog. Many long and excited conversations have come from this topic, between myself and other dog lovers lol.
  • I wish I could eat at all the great restaurants downtown but my primary goal is so save money and cook more. Sigh.
  • I’m not a huge fan of cooking quite yet. Mike ♥ cooking though, phew. I like baking because it’s more of a science and it’s all about precision and following directions.
  • The bedroom needs to be de-girlified. There’s pink curtains and pink/purple bedding. This was all meant to be temporary and I think, come spring, it’ll be time to change it up!
  • I wish I could always afford to eat and purchase organic food. It’s better for the environment and for ourselves but so pricey sometimes! Emu’s food is super healthy and contains free-range chicken, fresh caught salmon, pesticide-free vegetables, etc. He is so lucky! xP
  • Speaking of Emu, he’s never really been sick before. But a few weeks back he found some deer droppings in my backyard and started vomiting consistently. Poor dog. A $300 vet checkup and tests resulted in nothing. No parasites, no observed illnesses, nadda. However, the vet kept pushing Mike to get more xrays done (to the tune of $700!) and she scared and stressed him out for refusing to do so. This vet wasn’t our regular one (he was on vacation) and man was she annoying! FYI Dr. Mean Lady, Emu has stopped vomiting, is eating normally, and has gained back all his lost weight, without your costly xrays. Hmpfh.
  • I should be getting back to work. Like, now.

Kobo-ing on the beach

March 8, 2011

Can’t wait to do this when on the cruise








Except knowing me, I might put it in a ziploc bag for safekeeping. Don’t want any sand, rocks, or water touching this baby! Thank you ereaders, for giving me 100+ books at my fingertips at any given time 😀